Improving the conservation status of species and habitat types of the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature Park – PIVKA.KRAS.PRESIHA
The Municipality of Pivka is leading the project Improving the conservation status of species and habitat types in the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature Park (PIVKA.KRAS.PRESIHA), which includes three partner organisations from the fields of nature conservation, biology, and agriculture (Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation – Nova Gorica Regional Unit, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Institute of agriculture and forestry Nova Gorica).
Purpose and goals of the project
The project’s goal is to protect the extensive agricultural landscape in the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature Park. The project will preserve and improve the conservation status of selected Natura 2000 species and habitats (habitat types).
Our activities are aimed at preserving or improving the condition of selected species and habitats in the Natura 2000 area. We will improve the living environment (habitat types) of intermittent lakes (wet meadows) and eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands, as well as some European important species – the Scarce large blue (Maculinea teleius) and Marsh fritillary butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia)the Woodlark (Lullula arborea) and Barred warbler (Sylvia nisoria) bird species, the Italian crested newt (Tritus carnifex) as well as the Lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros)- by implementing the planned nature protection measures.
Project area
The project area covers the entire area of the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature Park. Individual priority areas for individual species and habitat types exist within the area (e.g., protected areas of lakes, the area of the presence of the Scarce large blue butterfly, etc.).
The European Regional Development Fund is co-financing the project Improving the conservation status of species and habitat types in the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature Park (PIVKA.KRAS.PRESIHA) under thematic objective 6, priority axis 6: Better state of the environment and biodiversity.
This investment is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
The project has a value of EUR 3.06 million and will be co-financed in the amount of EUR 2.9 million. The European Union will contribute 80% of the funds through the European Regional Development Fund, while the Republic of Slovenia will contribute 20%.
Project-based partnership
Municipality of Pivka – lead partner
Institute of agriculture and forestry Nova Gorica – a professional organisation in the field of agriculture
The University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Department of Biodiversity (FAMNIT) – scientific research organisation in the field of biology
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation – Nova Gorica Regional Unit – a professional organisation in the field of nature conservation
Tadej Kogovšek
Project PIVKA.KRAS.PRESIHA, agricultural policy, nature conservation content, (project manager and coordinator, measures on agricultural land)
Nina Doles
Project PIVKA.KRAS.PRESIHA (biological contents, overgrowth shrinkage, management of agricultural areas)
Erika Kovačič
Ecomuseum of the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka, visitors, work with local inhabitants, project PIVKA.KRAS.PRESIHA (upgrade of interpretation in Ecomuseum of the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka)
Eva Šabec
Project PIVKA.KRAS.PRESIHA (communication activities, bats, amphibians, arrangement of entry points, arrangement of paths)